
Keto friendly vegetables

Hello there. You probably stumbled upon this page trying to figure out which vegetables can be used in a Keto diet and which are to be avoided. If that is right, you are int he right place. When I started my Keto journey, I was a little lost as to what vegetables can be included in the diet especially when it came to doing a fulfilling meal with them. I would visit random Keto recipe websites but had to turn away from them In general all vegetables are good if taken in the right quantity. Figuring out the amount of carbs you want to include in your diet vs non-carb vegetables is the first thing are are here to know what vegetables can be used in a Keto diet and whi I have been trying to come up with a list of recipes in my keto diet plan. I have done enough of Googling a few minutes before starting to cook something and then finding that I dont have all the ingredients mentioned in the recipe. So I decided to make a lis tof all Keto-friendly vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, etc., to